Freedom is a universal and essential value that has been studied and debated by philosophers, politicians, and sociologists throughout history. The concept of freedom is complex and abstract and has been understood in many ways throughout history.

Concept of Freedom

In general terms, freedom is defined as the ability of a living being to act according to its own will without being coerced by force or external influence. However, this simple definition does not explain all the dimensions and complexities of freedom.

What Is Freedom

Evolution history of the concept of freedom

From the 18th century, freedom began to be linked to other faculties or values, such as justice and equality, giving rise to a broader and deeper understanding of the concept. This social change was accompanied by the development of new forms of organization of society and the emergence of political regimes that emphasized individual freedom.

Limits of Freedom are important

It is important to note that freedom is not absolute and has limits. For example, a person can use their freedom to create a business, but this freedom is limited by laws and regulations that guarantee the protection of consumer rights and the safety of society as a whole. In this way, we can understand that freedom is not synonymous with libertinism or social unrest but is regulated by a justice system that protects the rights and freedoms of all.

In addition, individual freedom must be protected by the state. It is its responsibility to ensure that no person can restrict the freedom of another. The competent authorities must act quickly and effectively to punish those who violate the rights and freedoms of others.

From a psychological or metaphysical approach, it could be argued that the essence of freedom exists within each living being, and no one can prevent another person from thinking or feeling certain things. It is important to remember that freedom is a concept that only exists in humans and is our invention, so we can decide how we want to understand and practice freedom.