When we figure out what electricity is, the first things that come to mind are positive and negative electrical charges. Whatever the thought, the truth is that electricity is essential for our daily activities, which is why it is important to know what electricity is and what it is for.

What Is Electricity

A simple definition of electricity is the one that identifies it as the action of electrons. The movement of electrons down the wire makes a drill chuck turn. If you are reading this on a mobile screen or on a monitor, it is the movement of electrons that makes it possible for this device to work. What if, on the contrary, you have printed this manual? It does not matter because the printer’s function also depends on the electrons!

In our day-to-day, we use electricity for everything. Electricity, or more specifically, electronics, made the development of computing possible. The one and the other are present in almost anything we can imagine: elevators, mobile phones, computers, trains, planes, the Internet, YouTube, power tools, hospital diagnostic machines, factories, lighting, heating, telemeters, and household appliances. Modern life as we know it would not be possible without electricity.