Culture refers to the set of customs, beliefs, and traditions that belong to a certain social group. Culture is transmitted through imitation or communication to future generations. In this way, it represents the social heritage of a community, being the sum of behavior patterns, which includes concepts of the universe, the notion of time, hierarchy, language, relationships, values , and experiences.
Likewise, the term culture can refer to behavior acquired through social learning. Edward Tylor stated that culture is a type of powerful dynamic for human survival since: “it includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs, and all other habits and skills acquired by man as a member of society.”
Characteristics of the culture
Culture can be defined by numerous characteristics, among which the following are worth mentioning:
- It is determined by behaviors, knowledge, and ways of doing things.
- It is transferred through communication, both oral and written.
- It is usually symbolic.
- It is acquired through coexistence and social relationships within a community.
- It is transmitted from generation to generation.