An interrogative sentence in English is a type of sentence designed to ask questions and elicit information.

It begins with question words (who, what, where, when, why, how) or auxiliary verbs (is, are, can, will, did), and it concludes with a question mark.

What Is An Interrogative Sentence

Interrogative sentences serve to seek clarification, gather details, or initiate discussions, fostering conversation and dialogue.

Examples include “Where are you going?” or “What time is it?” They play a vital role in effective communication by facilitating inquiry, engaging others, and promoting a deeper understanding of various subjects or situations.

Some examples of Interrogative Sentences

  • Are you coming to the party tonight?
  • Have you finished your homework?
  • What time does the movie start?
  • Can you pass me the salt, please?
  • How are you feeling today?
  • Did you see that accident on the highway?
  • Where did you go for your vacation?
  • Is she going to the meeting tomorrow?
  • Would you like some coffee?
  • Have you ever been to Paris?
  • What’s your favorite color?
  • Do you know where my keys are?
  • Why are you upset?
  • Are they coming with us to the concert?
  • How much does this cost?
  • Did you enjoy the book you were reading?
  • Where is the nearest gas station?
  • Can I help you with your luggage?
  • Will it rain later today?
  • Who won the game last night?