Negative sentences are used to express the absence or negation of an action, condition, or state. They often include words like “don’t,” “doesn’t,” “can’t,” “won’t,” and “haven’t” to convey the negation.

Negative sentences are used to convey the opposite of affirmative statements, often expressing disagreement, disbelief, or the non-occurrence of an action or event. Here you have some examples of Negative Sentences:

Negative Sentences Examples

  • I don’t like broccoli.
  • They can’t swim.
  • I don’t like spicy food.
  • We won’t be late.
  • He doesn’t want dessert.
  • It’s not raining today.
  • She isn’t feeling well.
  • He won’t share his toys.
  • I have never been to Australia.
  • They didn’t pass the test.
  • He can’t play the guitar.
  • I don’t have any money.
  • We aren’t going to the party.
  • It’s not my favorite color.
  • They didn’t order pizza.
  • She won’t lend her car.
  • He isn’t a doctor.
  • I have no time for that.
  • They can’t speak French.
  • She didn’t buy the dress.
  • We won’t watch that movie.
  • He doesn’t know the answer.
  • It’s not a sunny day.
  • They haven’t read the book.
  • She isn’t a good singer.