Hello Teachers! Here you have a new collection of 10 worksheets with activities to work on laterality. The important part of these worksheets is to identify the left and the right and colour the objects depending on that. As you can see, some of the figures are upside down so it is important to identify that as well. We hope you can take advantage of this material and use it with your students.
What is laterality?
Laterality, in biological psychology, is the development of specialized functioning in each hemisphere of the brain or in the side of the body which each controls. Ideally, by the age of 8 years old a child should have developed a preferred side of functioning (unilaterality). The acquisition of laterality during childhood is a very important process which will lead the development of other skills, such as, reading and writing.
Laterality Activities for Kids
This educational resource is perfect to work left and right concepts with kids. Moreover, appart from colouring following the instructions, we can do some math practice counting the total objects in every colour. These worksheets are perfect to work on laterality and directionality.
Download the PDF file here 
Download “Left & Right Worksheets” Worksheets