A helping verb, is a verb that combines with the main verb in a sentence to convey additional information about the action or state being described.

Helping verbs assist in forming verb tenses, moods, voices, and aspects. Common helping verbs in English include “have,” “be,” and “do.”

Helping Verbs Examples

List of 40 Helping Verbs

  1. Am
  2. Is
  3. Are
  4. Was
  5. Were
  6. Be
  7. Been
  8. Have
  9. Has
  10. Had
  11. Do
  12. Does
  13. Did
  14. Shall
  15. Will
  16. Should
  17. Would
  18. May
  19. Might
  20. Must
  21. Can
  22. Could
  23. Am able to
  24. Is able to
  25. Are able to
  26. Was able to
  27. Were able to
  28. Have to
  29. Has to
  30. Had to
  31. Need to
  32. Need not
  33. Used to
  34. Dare to
  35. Ought to
  36. Has got to
  37. Have got to
  38. Better off
  39. Would rather
  40. Had better