Venus is Earth’s closest neighbor, often called the “twin planet” due to its similar size and composition. It has a thick, toxic atmosphere with crushing surface pressures and scorching temperatures, making it a harsh, inhospitable world.

Its surface is obscured by clouds, but missions like NASA’s Magellan have mapped its volcanic plains and vast highland regions.

Facts About Venus

  • “Sister” Planet: Similar size and composition to Earth but with a hostile environment.
  • Extreme Atmosphere: Thick with sulfuric acid clouds and intense greenhouse effect.
  • Hottest Planet: Surface temperatures can exceed 900 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Slow Rotation: Takes longer to rotate once (243 Earth days) than to orbit the Sun (225)
  • Volcanic Activity: Evidence of past volcanic eruptions on its surface.
  • No Liquid Water: High temperatures make liquid water impossible.
  • Atmospheric Pressure: Pressure on the surface is about 92 times that of Earth.
  • Retrograde Rotation: Rotates clockwise, opposite to most planets.
  • Earth’s “Evil Twin”: Often compared to Earth due to similar size and location.
  • Planetary Exploration: Studied by various spacecraft, including the Soviet Union’s Venera.