The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite, not a planet. It orbits our planet, serving as a constant celestial companion. It influences tides and has been a target for human exploration, with missions like Apollo landing astronauts on its surface, advancing our understanding of the cosmos.

Facts About Moon

  • Natural Satellite: Orbits Earth, the fifth-largest moon in the solar system.
  • Rocky Surface: Lacks atmosphere and has numerous impact craters.
  • Gravity: About 1/6th of Earth’s gravity, influencing tides.
  • Phases: Moon’s appearance changes in an approximately 29.5-day cycle.
  • Eclipses: Solar and lunar eclipses occur when aligned with Earth.
  • Regolith: Surface covered in fine, powdery lunar soil and rocks.
  • Temperatures: Extreme variations between scorching days and frigid nights.
  • No Liquid Water: Water exists as ice in permanently shadowed craters.
  • Historical Significance: Mankind’s first destination in space exploration.
  • Future Exploration: Target for future lunar missions and potential colonization.