Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun. It’s an ice giant with a blue hue, characterized by strong winds and a turbulent atmosphere.

Neptune has a complex ring system and numerous moons, including Triton, which orbits backward and may have originated in the Kuiper Belt.

Facts About Neptune

  • Ice Giant: Composed of water, ammonia, and methane ices, with a rocky core.
  • Farthest from Sun: Eighth and farthest planet from the Sun.
  • Great Dark Spot: A large, transient storm system in its atmosphere.
  • Strong Winds: Features some of the fastest planetary winds in the solar system.
  • Active Weather: Experiences dynamic weather patterns and frequent storms.
  • Magnetic Field: Has a powerful magnetic field with a tilted axis.
  • Rings and Moons: Possesses a faint ring system and 14 known moons.
  • Triton: Largest moon and only large moon with a retrograde orbit.
  • Extreme Cold: Temperatures can drop below -225°C (-373°F).
  • Ongoing Exploration: Visited by Voyager 2 in 1989; potential future missions