A countable noun, also known as a count noun, is a type of noun that refers to objects, people, or entities that can be individually counted as separate units.

Countable nouns have both singular and plural forms, and they can be preceded by numerical quantifiers. Here you have a list ox examples of countable nouns:

Countable Nouns Examples

  • Apple
  • Table
  • Chair
  • Dog
  • Cat
  • Car
  • Book
  • Pen
  • Child
  • Friend
  • Shoe
  • Cup
  • Flower
  • Balloon
  • Hat
  • Cake
  • Bicycle
  • Camera
  • Key
  • Guitar
  • Ring
  • Ball
  • Doll
  • Pillow

Examples of Sentences using this countable nouns

  1. Apple: She picked three apples from the tree. (Apples are countable because they can be counted as individual fruits.)
  2. Table: We bought a new table for the dining room. (Tables are countable as they are distinct pieces of furniture.)
  3. Chair: There were six chairs around the conference table. (Chairs are countable as they refer to separate seats.)
  4. Dog: Their family has two dogs as pets. (Dogs are countable as they are distinct animals.)
  5. Cat: My neighbor has three cats in her house. (Cats are countable because they are individual pets.)
  6. Car: He owns two cars, a sedan, and an SUV. (Cars are countable as they represent separate vehicles.)
  7. Book: I have read all the books on that shelf. (Books are countable as they are individual literary works.)
  8. Pen: Can you lend me a pen to write this down? (Pens are countable writing instruments.)
  9. Child: The school has admitted several new children this year. (Children are countable because they refer to individual young people.)
  10. Friend: She has many friends from different countries. (Friends are countable as they represent distinct individuals in one’s social circle.)
  11. Shoe: I need a new pair of shoes for my hiking trip. (Shoes are countable as they are individual footwear.)
  12. Cup: There are four cups on the kitchen shelf. (Cups are countable as they represent separate drinking vessels.)
  13. Flower: She received a bouquet of beautiful flowers for her birthday. (Flowers are countable because they are individual blooms.)
  14. Balloon: The children each got a colorful balloon at the birthday party. (Balloons are countable as they are distinct inflatable objects.)
  15. Hat: He always wears a stylish hat in the summer. (Hats are countable as they are individual head coverings.)
  16. Cake: They baked two delicious cakes for the celebration. (Cakes are countable as they are separate dessert items.)
  17. Bicycle: I bought a new bicycle for my daily commute. (Bicycles are countable as they are individual means of transportation.)
  18. Camera: She owns two digital cameras for photography. (Cameras are countable as they are separate photographic devices.)
  19. Key: I can’t find my house keys; I must have left them at work. (Keys are countable as they represent distinct items used for locking and unlocking.)
  20. Guitar: He plays the acoustic guitar in a local band. (Guitars are countable as they are individual musical instruments.)
  21. Ring: She received a beautiful diamond ring as an engagement gift. (Rings are countable as they are separate pieces of jewelry.)
  22. Ball: The kids are playing with a colorful rubber ball in the yard. (Balls are countable as they represent individual playthings.)
  23. Doll: She collects porcelain dolls from around the world. (Dolls are countable as they are individual collectible items.)
  24. Pillow: I need an extra pillow for better sleep comfort. (Pillows are countable as they are separate items used for sleeping.)