A common noun is a type of noun that refers to generic, non-specific people, places, things, or ideas.

Common nouns are general and not capitalized unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence. Common nouns form the basis for everyday communication and are essential for effective expression in English.

Here you have some common nouns examples:

Common Nouns Examples

  • Dog
  • City
  • Book
  • Friend
  • Teacher
  • Car
  • House
  • Tree
  • Cat
  • Restaurant
  • Computer
  • Ocean
  • Child
  • Job
  • Movie
  • Park
  • Flower
  • Phone
  • School
  • River
  • Chair
  • Fruit
  • Beach
  • Animal
  • Street
  • Sky
  • Mountain
  • Job
  • Television
  • Country
  • Music
  • Language
  • Doctor
  • Food
  • Store
  • Game

Some examples of short sentences with common nouns

  1. A dog chased its tail in the park.
  2. The city skyline was lit up at night.
  3. I finished reading a captivating book last night.
  4. My friend and I went for a hike in the mountains.
  5. The teacher explained the lesson with clarity.
  6. I drove my car to the grocery store.
  7. Their house had a beautiful garden in the backyard.
  8. A tall tree provided shade on a hot summer day.
  9. My cat enjoys basking in the sun on the windowsill.
  10. We had dinner at a new restaurant downtown.
  11. I use my computer for work and entertainment.
  12. The ocean waves crashed against the shore.
  13. The child played with colorful toys in the yard.
  14. We watched a thrilling movie at the cinema.
  15. Families gathered at the park for a picnic.
  16. The garden was filled with vibrant flowers.
  17. I left my phone on the kitchen counter.
  18. The school bell rang, signaling the end of class.
  19. The river flowed gently through the valley.
  20. I sat on a comfortable chair to relax.
  21. I enjoy eating fresh fruit in the morning.
  22. We spent the day at the beach, building sandcastles.
  23. The zoo had a variety of fascinating animals.
  24. Cars drove along the busy street.
  25. The sky was clear, with no clouds in sight.
  26. The mountain peak was covered in snow.
  27. Finding a new job can be challenging.
  28. We watched a documentary on television.
  29. Canada is a beautiful country with diverse landscapes.
  30. Music has the power to evoke strong emotions.
  31. Learning a new language can be rewarding.
  32. The doctor examined my sore throat.
  33. The food at the restaurant was delicious.
  34. I need to stop by the store to buy groceries.
  35. We played a board game with friends.