An ecosystem is a complex community of living organisms interacting with their physical environment. It includes biotic elements (plants, animals, microorganisms) and abiotic factors (soil, water, climate).

Ecosystems range from small, localized environments, like a pond, to vast ecosystems like a forest. Interconnected through energy and nutrient flows, ecosystems sustain life and demonstrate the intricate balance of nature.

Ecosystem Characteristics

Main characteristics of an Ecosystem

  • Community of living organisms and their environment.
  • Biogeochemical cycles regulate nutrient flows.
  • Interactions among species in trophic networks.
  • Dependent on abiotic factors such as climate.
  • Dynamic, changes over time and events.
  • Energy cycle through the food chain.
  • Self-regulation and balance among components.
  • Species diversity contributes to stability.
  • Flows of energy and matter among components.
  • Vulnerable to environmental changes and disturbances.