An adverb of manner is a type of adverb that describes how an action is performed or the way in which something happens. Here you have a list with adverbs of manner:

Adverbs Of Manner Examples

  • Really
  • Busily
  • Politely
  • Fiercely
  • Quietly
  • Calmly
  • Repeatedly
  • Lazily
  • Recklessly
  • Slowly
  • Equally
  • Suspiciously
  • Anxiously
  • Promptly
  • Openly
  • Nervously
  • Neatly
  • Frankly
  • Hungrily
  • Rudely
  • Perfectly
  • Regularly
  • Inadequately
  • Accidentally
  • Blindly
  • Seriously
  • Eagerly
  • Patiently
  • Beautifully
  • Deliberately

Some examples of sentences using adverbs of manner


  • She accidentally spilled coffee on her shirt while rushing to work.
  • He accidentally deleted his important email.


  • She waited anxiously for the results of the important exam.
  • He paced anxiously back and forth before his job interview.


  • The sunset painted the sky beautifully with hues of orange and pink.
  • She sang the song beautifully, captivating the audience.


  • He followed the instructions blindly without questioning their accuracy.
  • She couldn’t find her way in the dark and stumbled blindly.


  • The students were busily working on their science projects, eager to finish them before the deadline.
  • The chef was busily preparing orders in the busy restaurant kitchen.


  • Despite the chaos around her, she remained calmly composed and made rational decisions.
  • He delivered the news calmly, trying not to cause unnecessary panic.


  • He deliberately chose each word in his speech to convey his message effectively.
  • She deliberately avoided the temptation to indulge in sweets during her diet.


  • The two teams were equally matched, making for an intense and close game.
  • Both siblings were equally responsible for completing their household chores.


  • The two competitors fiercely battled for the championship title until the very end.
  • He defended his beliefs fiercely during the debate.


  • To avoid misunderstandings, he spoke frankly about his expectations for the project.
  • She told him frankly how she felt about their relationship.

Hardly ever:

  • He hardly ever exercises, which is why he’s not in the best shape.


  • After a long hike, they devoured their sandwiches hungrily.
  • The aroma of freshly baked bread made everyone’s stomachs growl hungrily.


  • The report was inadequately researched and lacked important details.
  • He felt inadequately prepared for the challenging exam.


  • On a lazy Sunday afternoon, they lounged lazily on the hammocks in the backyard.
  • He spent the day lazily watching TV and napping on the couch.


  • She tapped her foot nervously while waiting for the interview to begin.
  • He chuckled nervously when asked about his secret talent.


  • She arranged the flowers neatly in a vase to create a beautiful centerpiece.
  • The files were stacked neatly on the desk for easy access.


  • He never misses a single episode of his favorite TV show, and he’s watched every season.
  • The cake was never delicious; everyone asked for a second slice.

Now and then:

  • They visit their grandparents’ farm now and then to escape the city’s hustle and bustle.


  • They openly discussed their feelings and concerns, fostering a healthy relationship.
  • He openly admitted his mistake and apologized.


  • The dress fit her perfectly, accentuating her figure beautifully.
  • He executed the dance moves perfectly after hours of practice.


  • He politely held the door open for the elderly woman, showing his good manners.
  • She politely declined the offer, not wanting to impose on their generosity.


  • The waiter promptly brought their food to the table, ensuring a pleasant dining experience.
  • Please submit your assignment promptly to meet the deadline.


  • She rarely indulges in sweets because she’s conscious of her sugar intake.


  • She was really excited about her upcoming vacation, so she spent hours planning the itinerary.
  • The cake was really delicious; everyone asked for a second slice.


  • The driver was weaving through traffic recklessly, endangering everyone on the road.
  • He recklessly invested all his savings in a risky business venture.


  • She regularly exercised at the gym to maintain her fitness.
  • They regularly met for coffee on Sunday mornings.


  • The teacher repeatedly emphasized the importance of studying regularly for the upcoming exam.
  • He repeatedly attempted to solve the challenging puzzle.


  • He rudely interrupted the speaker during the presentation, causing a disruption.
  • She was shocked by the rudely worded email she received.


  • He had scarcely enough time to finish his assignment before the deadline.


  • The doctor delivered the diagnosis seriously, explaining the severity of the illness.
  • He took his responsibilities seriously and always gave his best effort.


  • The snail moved slowly across the garden path, leaving a trail of slime.
  • She read the classic novel slowly to savor every word.


  • Sometimes all you need is a quiet evening at home to relax.


  • He looked at her suspiciously when she told him she had found his lost keys.
  • The package arrived suspiciously damaged, raising concerns about its contents.


  • We usually meet up for coffee on Saturdays to catch up on each other’s lives.


  • The children eagerly awaited the arrival of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
  • She eagerly accepted the job offer.


  • She waited patiently in line at the amusement park for her turn on the roller coaster.
  • He explained the concept patiently until everyone understood.