Human rights are inherent entitlements belonging to every individual, regardless of nationality, race, or status. They encompass fundamental freedoms like liberty, equality, and dignity.

Human rights protect people from discrimination, torture, and oppression, promoting fairness, justice, and the recognition of universal human dignity on a global scale.

Facts About Human Rights

  • Universal Principles: Human rights apply to all individuals, regardless of nationality.
  • Inherent Dignity: Every person has inherent worth and value.
  • Equality and Non-Discrimination: All should be treated equally, without discrimination.
  • Life and Liberty: Protects the right to life and personal freedom.
  • Freedom of Expression: Ensures the right to voice opinions freely.
  • Fair Trial: Guarantees a fair and impartial judicial process.
  • Privacy and Family: Protects against arbitrary interference in private life.
  • Education and Work: Ensures access to education and dignified work.
  • Freedom from Torture: Prohibits cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.
  • Accountability: Encourages governments to uphold and protect these rights.