An adverb of frequency is a type of adverb that describes how often an action or event occurs. Here you have a list Frequency adverbs examples:

Adverbs Of Frequency Examples

  • Never
  • Seldom
  • Always
  • Every hour
  • Everyday
  • Often
  • Constantly
  • Ever
  • Eventually
  • Daily
  • Frequently
  • Hourly
  • Early
  • Generally
  • Monthly
  • Occasionally
  • Regularly
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Usually
  • Normally
  • Hardly ever
  • Scarcely
  • Now and then

Some examples of sentences using adverbs of frequency

  • Never: He never misses a single episode of his favorite TV show, and he’s watched every season.
  • Seldom: She seldom eats fast food because she prefers cooking healthier meals at home.
  • Always: Sarah is so punctual; she always arrives at the office at least 15 minutes early.
  • Every hour: The automated system checks for updates every hour to ensure the software is up to date.
  • Everyday: We go for a walk in the park every day to enjoy the fresh air.
  • Often: They often go camping during the summer to explore different national parks.
  • Constantly: The noise from the construction site next door is constantly disrupting my concentration.
  • Ever: Have you ever been to a concert with such an amazing atmosphere?
  • Eventually: With hard work and dedication, you’ll eventually achieve your goals.
  • Daily: He practices the piano daily to improve his musical skills.
  • Frequently: The team frequently meets to discuss project progress and share ideas.
  • Hourly: The weather updates are provided hourly to keep travelers informed.
  • Early: She wakes up early every morning to catch the sunrise.
  • Generally: Generally, people tend to be more productive in the morning.
  • Monthly: We receive our utility bills monthly to track our consumption.
  • Occasionally: They occasionally treat themselves to a fancy dinner at their favorite restaurant.
  • Regularly: He regularly attends yoga classes to maintain flexibility and reduce stress.
  • Sometimes: Sometimes all you need is a quiet evening at home to relax.
  • Rarely: She rarely indulges in sweets because she’s conscious of her sugar intake.
  • Usually: We usually meet up for coffee on Saturdays to catch up on each other’s lives.
  • Normally: She’s normally very reserved, but tonight, she’s the life of the party.
  • Hardly ever: He hardly ever exercises, which is why he’s not in the best shape.
  • Scarcely: He had scarcely enough time to finish his assignment before the deadline.
  • Now and then: They visit their grandparents’ farm now and then to escape the city’s hustle and bustle.